American Author
Before every action ask yourself. Will this bring more monkeys on my back. Will the result of my action be a blessing or a heavy burden?
Alfred A. Montapert – [Results]

Every person has free choice. Free to obey or disobey the Natural Laws. Your choice determines the consequences. Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Choice]

Every time you get angry, you poison your own system.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Anger]

Happy is the person who not only sings, but feels God's eye is on the sparrow, and knows He watches over me. To be simply ensconced in God is true joy.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Joy]

If you don't have solid beliefs you cannot build a stable life. Beliefs are like the foundation of a building, and they are the foundation to build your life upon.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Belief]

In life, the first thing you must do is decide what you really want. Weigh the costs and the results. Are the results worthy of the costs? Then make up your mind completely and go after your goal with all your might.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Goals]

In Texas, years ago, almost all of the oil came from surface operations. Then someone got the idea that there were greater sources of supply deeper down. A well was drilled five thousand feet deep. The result? A gusher. Too many of us operate on the surface. We never go deep enough to find supernatural resources. The result is, we never operate at our best. More time and investment is involved to go deep but a gusher will pay off.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Ideas]

Man's ultimate destiny is to become one with the Divine Power which governs and sustains the creation and its creatures.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Destiny]

Question: Why are we Masters of our Fate, the captains of our souls? Because we have the power to control our thoughts, our attitudes. That is why many people live in the withering negative world. That is why many people live in the Positive Faith world.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Control]

The greatest things are accomplished by individual people, not by committees or companies.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Achievement]

The main source of our wealth is goodness. The affections and the generous qualities that God admires in a world full of greed.
Alfred A. Montapert – [Wealth]

To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan… believe… act!
Alfred A. Montapert – [Dreams]